Company: Bucks County

The Bucks County Sheriff’s Office is the highest level of law enforcement in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and serves a population of over 628,000. The Sheriff’s Office provides outreach and prevention programs as well as a multitude of additional services to county residents.

Challenge: Simplify Sheriff’s Mobile Delivery Service

One of these services is the in-person delivery of papers by Sheriff’s deputies to recipients throughout the county.

In the past, when deputies arrived on location, they would take note by hand of all successful or attempted deliveries. At the end of the day, these lists would be returned to the office.

These handwritten ‘files’ were easily misplaced and became outdated. Individual papers had to be closely monitored to ensure that they were in fact delivered.

The Solution: Digital Mobile Service Log

The Bucks County Sheriff’s Office knew that this process was in need of a modern overhaul, and contacted Paperless Solutions in order to digitize the mobile service process.

The solution was simple but powerful. With OnBase by Hyland, Paperless Solutions created a digital database to monitor and track all papers served by Sheriff’s deputies in Bucks County. Upon each successful or attempted delivery, deputies would access the database and update the status of the paper. At the same time, staff at the office would be notified of this update in status.

Rather than multiple handwritten logs, all details of the mobile service were now contained in a single, completely up to date, and universally-accessible system.

Software provided by Paperless Solutions Inc.

  • OnBase Content Management System


  • Organizes the mobile service process of serving papers by maintaining a digital log of all papers served by Bucks County Sheriff’s deputies


  • The status of all papers is updated on-the-go, sending information directly from deputies to the Sheriff’s Office staff


  • On-the-go status updates increase organization and quality of service for county residents
  • Eliminates confusion caused by loss of paper files